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Accelerating digital transformation of Alps


Municipality of Cortina – Sala Cultura+ On-Line | October 26th 2022

09:30 a.m. Welcoming guests & registration

10:00 a.m. Opening session & initative presentation

Gianluigi Ferri – Creator VisionAlps & Founder, Innovability

Francesco Comotti – Senior expert in strategic marketing & Evolution tourist marketing, Mediaperformance

10:45 a.m. Digital and sustainable innovation: the two paths for Alps evolution

At this time of great international concern and after a pandemic that has created severe economic problems, it is necessary to think about the future scenarios of development of the Alps that will see undeniably a digital “acceleration” in the tourist offer and in the production, agricultural and social fields as well, perhaps helped by local startups.

Finally, the arrival of PNRR and Olympic funds will certainly offer public administrations and companies the resources to innovate but the risk is that local mountain municipalities and smaller companies, if left alone, won’t be able to seize the opportunities of innovation.

Round table

Lorenzo Tardini, Direttore Sales & Marketing, Fondazione Cortina

Andrea Ferrazzi – General Director , Confindustria Belluno Dolomiti

11.30 a.m. Digital technologies for PA and enterprise development

Digital transformation can only be made if infrastructure (from connectivity to vertical applications) will be up to the social and economic challenges of the coming decades. VISIONALPS is also designed to help PA and Alpine companies facing important challenges for their development.

Speakers that will attend:

Dolomiti Innovation Valley, una sfida dal sapore olimpico
Andrea Ferrazzi – General Manager, Confindustria Belluno Dolomiti

“Videomonitoraggio territoriale del Comune di Fonzaso (BL)”
Alessio Conte – Commerciale, SERSIS

“An innovative model for the sustainable development of the territory”
Claudio Canova – President, Fondazione Fantastiche Dolomiti

Sandro Vettori EIT Urban Mobility Expert & CEO San Martino Rolle Spa & Certified Management Consultant APCO

Coordinated by Gianluigi FerriVisionAlps Creator & Founder, Innovability

12:30 p.m. End of morning session and networking cocktail

2:30 p.m. Digital transformation as “game changer” for tourism

This digital push must be combined with sustainability and therefore investments and projects must be based mainly on innovability (sustainable innovation) supported by emerging digital technologies. Tourism, energy, mobility & transport and health are the alpine areas where the digital transformation can be a “game changer” and where we will have more attention.

Speakers that will attend:

“#aMiCo26® – Assintel per Milano Cortina 2026”
Luca Sala – Vice President and project coordinator “Milan-Cortina 2026”, ASSINTEL

“Snowit: la montagna “connessa” come soluzione per la sostenibilità e la promozione del territorio”
Pasquale Scopelliti – CEO, SNOWIT

“La “Oyster” Card per tutti i tuoi servizi in montagna”
Ana Davis – Founder & CEO, Alto.Ski

“Vedere in digitale, oltre la sicurezza”
Pierpaolo Amadori – Sales Manager Italy & Malta, ELMAT
Daniele Fortin
– Technical Solution Consultant, ELMAT

Coordinated by: Sandro Vettori EIT Urban Mobility Expert & CEO San Martino Rolle Spa & Certified Management Consultant APCO

4:00 p.m. Coffee break

4:15 p.m. Creating startup or working digitally in the Alps: mission impossible or emerging power?

The Alps have a strong attraction for Italian and foreign smart workers, therefore this phenomenon will be an opportunity for growth, limiting depopulation and relaunching even the most remote territories by encouraging long stays and promoting bleisure (business leisure)  and deep tourism .

The opening of co-working/hub-working and incubators in the deindustrialized valleys, in addition to smart working, will also support the development of enterprises with the establishment of start-ups and SMEs specialising in the Alpine economy, able to offer worldwide services.

Speakers that will attend:

“Cortina Academy: la formazione esperienziale sulle Dolomiti”
Marco Massarotto – Founder & Chief Experience Officer, Cortina Academy

4:45 p.m. Final thoughts and Greetings

Gianluigi Ferri – Creator VisionAlps & Founder, Innovability

5:00 p.m. Conclusion and Networking cocktail

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Sales Manager Italy & Malta, ELMAT


President, Fondazione Fantastiche Dolomiti


Evolution Tourist marketing, Mediaperformance 

& Senior expert di marketing strategico


Commercial, SERSIS


Founder & CEO, Alto.Ski


Creator VisionAlps & Founder, Innovability


General manager, Confindustria Belluno Dolomiti


Technical Solution Consultant, ELMAT


Founder & Chief Experience Officer, Cortina Academy


Vicepresident & project coordinator “Milano-Cortina 2026”, ASSINTEL




EIT Urban Mobility Expert CEO San Martino Rolle Spa – Certified Management Consultant APCO


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